
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Giveaway on Feeling Stitchy!

Hi all! I'm giving away one copy of The Kitchen Linens book over on Feeling Stitchy.

If you love vintage transfers or collecting vintage embroidery, this book is right up your alley, so go checkout the giveaway!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Frouffy Pillowcases

green-line pillowcase

Because one always needs frouffier pillowcases. This was in a pile of scraps I had, no label, no manufacturer - it is green-lined. I even tried ironing one of them (there were 2) and it worked!

And yes, that's an actual new scan you see up there! It's fairly impressive considering I scanned it using an almost-dead hard drive. In fact, the sheer effort it took my sad, wheezing, clicking hard drive, sent it to the grave. That's right, people, I worked my computer to death. For you. Enjoy! :)

By the way, I've been getting a few repeated questions that I haven't been able to answer due to time constraints (and no computer). Please read the FAQ on the right hand side and that should answer any questions you have about transfers that have gone away.