
Sunday, January 7, 2007

Superior 120 - Mexicana

superior 120

As you can probably tell, I am interested in all things Mexican - I'm fascinated with the way cultures were represented in different time periods. So far all the Mexican designs I've seen are pretty consistent with each other - burros, women with water pitchers or chickens on their heads (now there's something I've never seen in real life) and fruit trucks. This set is unusual in that it is a green line transfer (all the others I've seen are red or black).

A few motifs have been cut out, but since each one is represented twice, they are all there. There are 3 large designs, 3 medium-sized designs, and 6 cute mini designs which would be cute on table runners or tablecloth corners. And a few cute small chickens.

superior 120 - pattern 1 superior 120 - pattern 2


  1. I am also fond of the Mexican theme in embroidery. I have several tablecloths as well as traycloths, doilies and an apron or two, featuring the Mexican man and lady with a donkey and some cactus plants!

  2. Oh - I love it too - I'm hoping to collect as many as I can find on Ebay (for a reasonable price). :)

    I've yet to show the cutest transfers I have that were unpackaged - there's a smiling cactus! :)


I wish I had time to respond to every comment, but unfortunately I don't! Please don't feel badly if I can't reply! I do love to read your comments, though.

I do not sell my transfers - this blog is to describe my collection and share free patterns.