
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Monarch 206 - Pussy-Cat Tea Towels You'll Adore

Monarch 206
read the back

Seven kitten days of the week designs featuring a disturbingly glassy-eyed cat... :) What I find funniest about this envelope is just how unappealing it makes the designs look! :) I especially like the cute lettering on these.

My envelope is sadly empty, but the manufacturers were nice enough to include a reduced sized image of all the transfers on the back - which is how I produced the freebie for this one. The actual outlines are cuter than the illustrations on the front of the envelope. Here's the Sunday design:

Monarch 206 - cat pattern


  1. Oh my goodness! I just found your blog while looking for links to some of the patterns I have and I am now sitting here with a huge smile on my face. What a great resource this is! Thank you so much for posting all these great patterns and for offering the freebies!! I feel like I died and went to heaven. :)

  2. Awww Patty, I'm so happy you're loving these patterns, and that I found a fellow pattern-holic... :)

    Heh, aren't they kind of creepy cute, Carol? :) Maybe I should create a whole other category for that... :)

  3. Hi Flo, I've been meaning to tell you I emailed whipup and told them about your new blog here. They posted about in on the 17th Feb. Here's the link:
    I hope you get lots of fun visitors!

  4. Hey Sally - thanks for spreading the word! :) I did notice a super big spike in visits - I'm so happy there's such a big crowd out there getting a kick out of the vintage patterns... :)


I wish I had time to respond to every comment, but unfortunately I don't! Please don't feel badly if I can't reply! I do love to read your comments, though.

I do not sell my transfers - this blog is to describe my collection and share free patterns.