
Sunday, August 12, 2007


my collection so far...

I picked 2 names out of the hat, so soon a little package of transfers will be going out to Michelle and Stefanie!

Thank you so much to everyone who commented on the giveaway post, and for all the kind things you said. I'm so glad so many of you have been inspired to re-discover embroidery or start embroidering for the first time!


  1. Look how organized you are! Why am I not surprised???

  2. Ha ha! Only because I chose not to photograph the piles of assorted junk in my bedroom! ;)

  3. Wow...I just found your blog & you & I have something in common. I have been collecting vintage transfers for several years. I love 'em & embroider the darling patterns. I even have some of the iron on graphics that you have.


I wish I had time to respond to every comment, but unfortunately I don't! Please don't feel badly if I can't reply! I do love to read your comments, though.

I do not sell my transfers - this blog is to describe my collection and share free patterns.