
Saturday, February 16, 2008

#66 - Dating Dishware

Mailorder 66

"Gimme some sugar!" says Mr. Creamer... And you thought kitchen crockery wasn't capable of romance, didn't you? But I've got a whole sheet that proves otherwise, with cavorting dishes, saucers, and silverware for each day of the week. My favorite thing about this pattern is... Mr. Creamer is wearing penny loafers! Oh, how I love penny loafers.

Unfortunately my sheet is cut and incomplete, so I only have Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday of these "gay animated tea towel designs." On the same sheet (numbered 66) is also a pattern for homemade slippers, a large, lazy-daisy stitch alphabet, and a small cross-stich pattern for a bookmark that says "Give Us This Day".

Thanks Hannita, for pointing out these are in the Hoop Love group! Here is Thursday (you can see a tiny image of Friday in the upper left) and Sunday.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Asian motifs

Chinese motifs
Okay guys, help me out on this one... does anyone know what that character on the upper left is? Being a pretty clueless westerner I'm calling these "Asian motifs" (although I do know the difference between Japanese and Chinese when it's spoken, thank you very much).

This is an uncut sheet, 8 by 19 in. Also on the sheet is a dragon that looks like he's sneezing up a fireball, pagoda, bamboo, spiky tree, and kooky-eyed lion-creature with its tongue hanging out.

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mailorder 2-947 - Kindly Lady

Mailorder 2-947 - kindly lady

I like this lady - there's something of the kindly syrup-bottle matron about her. It also reminds me of the tender times of yore when older ladies actually looked older instead of today's times where 50 year olds look younger and hotter than 30 year olds... :) This sheet calls her a "colonial girl" and suggests using "turquoise, yellow, rose, green, or black."

This is a large sheet, uncut, 30 by 44 inches and numbered 2-947. Also on the sheet are patterns for a "cart pocket" for an apron, apple blossoms, fruits and veggies, scary clown, flying ducks, and a tiny ducky border.

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!