
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

All the popular girls have tomato escorts

world's finest tomato escort service
free pattern - click to get larger size and print!

Yeah, I know my titles are getting weirder and weirder. Maybe it's the heat? Out of nowhere, it is 89 degrees in Manhattan. To give you a clue of how this feels, I haven't moved in about 20 minutes, I am drinking an iced drink and I am still sweating. In places that don't seem like they should sweat.

In any case, back to the transfers!

This gem was donated to me by the lovely Robin - it's a set that is cut but looks complete - 4 motifs for tea towels say "Breakfast", "Lunchtime", "Teatime", and "Dinnertime." Also a "Glasses" towel and a chubby-cheeked tot with an immense dinner knife that says "Silver."

And finally, my favorite, which I've included above - a horrified girl being escorted by a carrot with a cane and a jaunty tomato who tips his hat at her. (I removed the carrot to conserve space and somewhat lessen her psychological damage.) Two smaller potholder designs - a cross-stitch teacup and a big, sweetly smiling tomato. Thanks Robin!


  1. LOL I love the title of this post. Thanks for sharing, floresita!

  2. Love the tomato! Thanks for sharing it here.

  3. I love this transfer! Thank you for sharing.

  4. I did this one!

  5. Threeundertwo - I LOVE that you called it the "Vegetable Abduction Towel" - genius! ;)

    Thanks all for the vegetable love. :)

  6. So happy to find your site! You have so many lovely transfer patterns!! My grandmother used to embroider sets of tea-towels for church bazaars! I do not know what happened to all her patterns. One of my cousins must have them. But I do have a few of the tea towels she made.

  7. lol I live in Queens. The building managers choose when the AC gets to be turned on. Apparently not yet! I was dieing from heat right along with you girl. So glad the heat broke! And I can breath again!

  8. Just found your blog and am IN LOVE! I'm a new follower and a HUGE FAN!

  9. not sure if I'm posting this twice, apologies if so. What's with my love for animated foods? And why are all the foods always so happy? I picture them with pitch forks and mean faces when I get a belly ache or when I get on the scale. Could you design any "angry" foods? Ha ha...j/k. sorta. Thanks for sharing happy foods!

  10. So adorable. I hope you do post designs again soon.


  11. Thanks so much for sharing!! I made a tote. see it here:


I wish I had time to respond to every comment, but unfortunately I don't! Please don't feel badly if I can't reply! I do love to read your comments, though.

I do not sell my transfers - this blog is to describe my collection and share free patterns.