Yes, chickens do have romances. This is in addition to cats, birds, and puppies, whose romances you are already aware of... So, long ago, 2 chickens fell in love, and that love was immortalized the way most things were in the 50's... with awkwardly rhymed phrases on tea towels! The chickens didn't seem to be an ideal pair at first - he being of an "old batch" and she being a trifle proud looking (albeit cute) catch...

The romance was turbulent at first, and one might say that there was "plenty scratch"... but within time it was clear they were a "perfect match." (By the way, if you're not inwardly groaning yet, you should really get that checked out... your inner groan mechanism may be faulty or nonexistent) :)

The two chickens settled down in a "cozy thatch" and before 3 shakes of a lamb's tail had 4 lively chicks and had settled down into smug married-hood. (They are SO smug marrieds - just look at them!) :) Extra points to anyone who can explain to me the meaning of "natch"...