puppy love, courtesy of Jacque's blog
Nothing warms the cockels of my heart like seeing finished items made from the freebies I've posted! Seriously, people, I feel so happy that you enjoy these kitschy patterns as much as I do, and enjoy them enough to stitch them! And, because I've been dying to do this for some time now, here are all your projects (that I've found) so far:
Claudia's apron
Keri's pillowcase

and Keri's "love chickens"

Heather's baking girl

and the VTF signature spices, immortalized by Julie!
Believe it or not, this is also my 99th post! Sheesh these posts added up quickly - I'm amazed my collection grew so quickly. In keeping with the giveaway theme I started on my embroidery blog, I'll do a giveaway here, too!
Want some vintage transfers?Up for grabs: a few duplicate, cut or used Vogarts, duplicate Workbasket transfers, newer Aunt Martha's, a few crochet, sewing, and apron patterns. I promise to hand-pick the cutest stuff and mail it to the "winner."
How to win the drawing:
Leave a comment here with your name and preference for free patterns - example - "only Vogart", only "Aunt Martha's" or "gimme anything you got..." etc. Tell me a little about yourself, if I haven't met you yet, and what your favorite pattern is that I've posted!
Update 8/11/07, 7:00 PM:We have... 2 winners! As soon as I get in contact with them, I'll post the winners here! :) So, check your email, everybody who commented!