You want this acorn? You just try and take this acorn from me.
Ok, I know the intention was not to make these animals look creepy by leaving their eyes blank. The manufacturers just figured you'd fill that in with a satin stitch, so why waste ink. I love however, the unintentionally creepy, "Village of the Damned" effect it creates, and what with Halloween approaching, maybe some of you could work your creepy magic on these? Something along the lines of Zombie Jitterbug Girl? Just an idea....
Thanks again to Erin, for allowing me to share these from her collection! And creepy or not creepy, let me know if you stitched these! :) Also, thank you to Jessica from How About Orange for featuring this blog! Her blog is amazing and it's an honor to be featured. Welcome, everyone who is visiting thanks to her, and be sure to come back soon! :)
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