free pattern - click to get larger size and print!
I really like the idea of your pets doing household chores for you. Take, for instance, my handwashing last evening. How helpful it would have been if I had had an adorable puppy to hang my underpants on a clothesline. Not that I can fit a clothesline in my 7 X 10 room... well, unless I want wet underpants dripping on my head. And early this morning, when it came time to blow dry my underpants (they had not dried overnight, due, no doubt, to the lack of a clothesline, and a pup to hang them up properly) I'm sure pups would have cheerfully sprung to my aid. And, he could have even changed the fuse when my blow drier shorted out my ancient outlet. Again.
Puppy dreams aside... on my sheet are 7 helpful pups designs. Also a cute pup in a window, for an apron, and 4 small motifs for potholders. This is the oldest looking of a large batch of transfers I bought on Ebay. The envelope is very tattered, and torn along one side. My sheet is cut and partially used.
Have you stitched one of these pups? Or, better yet, do you have a pup that can help with my household chores? Preference will be given to pups that know how to launder underpants. Thank you.
thanks for sharing! this pattern is darling, my memory may be fooling me, but i'm wondering if barncat on flickr has stitched this pattern up??????
i wish my 80 pound dog could bathe himself like the pup in the pattern from the previous entry ;)
This is one of my favorite sets. Thanks for sharing!
I've been searching everywhere for wash day transfers, I don't know why I didn't check your blog first! Thanks for this!
I'd love to see the other days of the week of this if you have it. I want to stitch something like this up for wall hangings for my friends new baby's room.
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