puppy love, courtesy of Jacque's blog
Nothing warms the cockels of my heart like seeing finished items made from the freebies I've posted! Seriously, people, I feel so happy that you enjoy these kitschy patterns as much as I do, and enjoy them enough to stitch them! And, because I've been dying to do this for some time now, here are all your projects (that I've found) so far:
Claudia's apron![]()
Keri's pillowcase
and Keri's "love chickens"
Heather's baking girl
and the VTF signature spices, immortalized by Julie!![]()
Believe it or not, this is also my 99th post! Sheesh these posts added up quickly - I'm amazed my collection grew so quickly. In keeping with the giveaway theme I started on my embroidery blog, I'll do a giveaway here, too!
Want some vintage transfers?
Up for grabs: a few duplicate, cut or used Vogarts, duplicate Workbasket transfers, newer Aunt Martha's, a few crochet, sewing, and apron patterns. I promise to hand-pick the cutest stuff and mail it to the "winner."
How to win the drawing:
Leave a comment here with your name and preference for free patterns - example - "only Vogart", only "Aunt Martha's" or "gimme anything you got..." etc. Tell me a little about yourself, if I haven't met you yet, and what your favorite pattern is that I've posted!
Update 8/11/07, 7:00 PM:
We have... 2 winners! As soon as I get in contact with them, I'll post the winners here! :) So, check your email, everybody who commented!
Ooh I'm in-- vogart patterns only if I win please! I love Vogart patterns, and have a little collection of them :) I appreciate you posting these patterns because many are difficult to find and it's nice to just be able to print them rather than trying to be lucky and hunting them down!
My name is Dancer. I'm trying to learn ways to spruce up mundane kitchen stuff. I love vintage. My favorite pattern you have posted is happy fruits and I would prefer Vogart patterns only.
I am so happy to tell you how much I LOVE your website and all of the fantastic patterns you share...I visit a lot :). Many a dishtowel is happier because of all the patterns you share with the rest of us embroidery addicts! If I win I would be happy to add to my collection whatever you have to give away!
Claudia's apron is SO cute!! Thank for posting my baking towel.
I'd love anything but the crochet patterns (never could get the hang of anything past the chain stitch).
I am a "give me what you got" type because you just never know when you will find your next hidden treasure! I have posted before but not frequently. I enjoy coming here to see the next freebie because who doesn't love a freebie. My favorite patterns you have posted are the Pa and Ma, although it was difficult to narrow it down to a favorite. It was great to see your patterns made up into useful items too so thanks for sharing those.
Hey!! Thanks for posting some of my things!!!
I love all the patterns you post, so if I win I'll take whatever ya got.
I've got to learn to start actually USING the dishtowels I make. And that apron Claudia made? LOVE IT!!!
I love em all! I stalk your blog for new posts lol. (Thank you google reader!!). I've saved tons of these to try, but haven't had a chance to start any yet. I LOVE vintage things, especially in the kitchen so these are so wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing all the details of them, and the free designs!
We heart you, too! ;)
Um ... you haven't met me, but I post to the Embroidery Flickr group a ton, and luuuuuhhhhvvvv your vintage transfers. Aside from the dish in my comment on the Things I Make blog from last week's giveaway, I'm sorta new to embroidery. I took an embroidery class a year ago, but didn't have time to do much work this year. I took another classin April (from Jenny Hart! :) and was seriously hooked. I've been stitching non-stop ever since. I'm so appreciative of the things you post - for inspiration and for use. (I can't wait to stitch the deer for my daughter!!!!) And your support and fun comments in the Flickr group are so great. Thanks!
Oh, I'm not picky. The Workbasket transfers are really fun to me (they all are, actually). I'm actually about to start trying to teach myself to crochet (just bought hooks this week!) but I don't know that I'm ready for full-on patterns yet.
Regardless, thanks so much for all the work you do to spread the stitching love! :)
Ooo yay! I love all the patterns you post, so I guess I'm a gimmie-what-you-got type hehe. I am still working on the singing Juan and his cactus buddy. It's slow going when I misplace it and don't find it for a month bleh. It's located now and eventually I'll finish it haha.
That chicken love towel is cute!
Thanks for encouraging the comments - love your blog, and have to say my favorite psttern so far has been the Gay Chefs - this could be more about your commentary than the actual designs! :^)
I really appreciate your generosity in sharing these - I love any of the vintage designs.
I really appreciate your blogs, how generous you are, and your research and knowledge. You brought back the love of stitching for me, thank you. Very hard to pick a fave, but I think I'd have to go with Bee Tasty, those eyes are too cute.
If I were so lucky as to win your giveaway, I'd be happy with anything you picked out. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
I do so love your site. My favorite freebie is Little Susan. You are so generous in sharing all these wonderful patterns. Thanks to you and others on the web, I started to embroider again. Right now I'm making a quilt with 16 embroidered blocks. I would love Vogart patterns if I'm lucky enough to win.
I'm Jess, I've commented on flickr but I'm not sure if I've ever commented here or on your blog.
My favorite freebies you've posted are probably the set with the hen and rooster. If only I knew what "natch" meant! I love kitchsy stuff like that. My favorite thing you've done, from your other blog I think, are the little tacos and various Mexican foods. So cute!
I'll take anything.
I'm ADDICTED to your site! I love to see what you've found. Thank you for sharing with us- I've recommended you to many people. I joined the Flickr group but I haven't posted a pic there yet. (I just finished embroidering a dish towel with my son's drawing)
My favorite?!?!- hard to say, but I love inanimate objects with faces and legs, like the walking tomato and girl. The new bib motifs are adorable too. The deer is cute too- too many!!! If chosen I'd appreciate any embroidery pattern.
Having just discovered how much I enjoy these transfers and stitching them after a 40 year break, I am open to anything! I enjoy your site and thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Thought I would drop you a line and say how much I appreciate your freebies - my obsession is bluebirds, and I love the sweetheart bluebirds you posted previously. Have just started blogging although have been embroidering from an early age. Here in the UK there are not so many kitsch patterns that survive, and you are a very valuable resource for us over here. Will post pictures of the bluebird pillowcases and some of the other bits I have made as soon as I get my head around my camera! Keep up the good work - need to post some of the English designs I have built up here.
Best wishes
I'm an anything goes gal too. I teach redwork embroidery, post a lot to Flickr, visit your site every day and LOVE, simply LOVE, all vintage patterns. My favorite that you've posted is the Jitterbug Dancers. My blog is www.gettingtocrazy.blogspot.com
Hi Stefanie here, I will take anything and everything. Your blog is the reason I have started embroidery and I honestly am addicted and cant stop. I really like vogart 129 the bird pattern. I am stuck on birds lately. I get a kick out of the friendly looking veggies too though!
Congrats on the almost 100th post!
I love seeing all the patterns you put up,thank you. I love the bluebirds and the kittens (especially the kitten hanging her apron on the clothesline). I love all transfers so my wish would be for anything.
I am looking for a transfer with a grocery cart since I work in a grocery store, perhaps a kitten going shopping. I'd love to make some tea towels with a design like this for Christmas gifts.
I have a flickr account: marijane55, but no blog.
OH you KNOW I love your blog. I've made two more napkins since I sent you a picture of the ones I'd done. I need to take another picture. If I win the givaway, I'd love anything kitchen kitch 1950's kink of look. Keep posting, because these patterns are GREAT
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